Where do you ship your products from?
We ship our products from partnered warehouses and factories located in the United Kingdom, Europe, and China. If you order multiple items, please note that they may be shipped separately, as different factories specialize in different areas of manufacturing.

How long will it take for my order to arrive?
Orders typically arrive within 7 business days, depending on your location and the shipping origin of the product. Please be aware that the transit time after dispatch can vary.

How long after my order is placed will it be shipped?
Orders are generally processed and shipped within 1–2 business days. However, during periods of high demand, processing times may extend to 3-5 business days.

Where is your company located?
Our headquarters are in the UK, with warehouses situated across the United Kingdom, Europe, and China.

Will I receive a confirmation number after I place my order?
Yes, all customers will receive a confirmation number via the email provided during checkout.

How can I pay?
We accept all major credit cards, including Visa, MasterCard, Discover, as well as Klarna and PayPal.